Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sri Thaiyyal Naayagi sametha Vaidheeswaran Temple-Poonamallee

Sri Thaiyyal Naayagi sametha Vaidheeswaran Temple-Poonamallee

The Sri Vaitheeswaran Temple is located in Vaitheeswaran Koil Street, Poonamallee, Chennai. This ancient village, orginally named Puvirinthamallee or 'the place of jasmine', was later anglicised to Poonamallee. All buses plying to / or towards poonamalle can be boarded to reach the temple. The temple is at walk able distance from the Poonamalle Bus stand.


The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. In the garbhagriha, innermost sanctum resides  Vaitheeswarar Swami  facing east.  Two dwarabalahas Poondi and Mundi are seen on each side of the sanctum.

Inner praharam
Godess Thaiyyal Nayaki is in a separate sannidhi located in the inner prakaram facing south.   The beautiful thaayaar with benevolent eyes blesses Her devotees with all the wealth of life.

Going around the inner praham, one gets the darshan of  various deities placed as per agama rules.A pillar is dedicated to Karlakattai siddhar associated with the temple in the inner praharam. Lord Dakshnamurthy faces south. Lord  Ganapathy facling East, and Valli devasena sametha subramaniya swami facing east.  Three Chakras are installed by Sri Aadhi Sankarar in the inner praharam called Sri Chakram, Subramanya Chakram and Shanmuga Chakram. During pournami and Amavasya abhishekam is done for these chakrams.To the north is situated the sannidhi of Chandeswara. Next to Him is seen the beautiful Goddess Durga.

The temple has a gopuram on the east and North.  The eastern gate directly leads to the Dwajasthambam, or kodimaram, Nandi and the main deity.   It also has interesting facts associated with it. The North gopuram has exquiste sculptures engraved on it.  The temple is a medium sized Chola temple with inscriptions dating back to the times of Rajaraja-I

Sthala Viruksham & Pond
The sthala Viruksham for this temple is Thaazhi Panai Maram (Palm tree).  The temple pond (called Vinai Theertha Kulam) is located on the eastern side.


  • Surya Pooja happens in this temple in the Thamizh month ‘Maasi’. On the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th of Maasi, Sun’s rays directly fall on the main deity around 6 am in the mornings.
  • One of the Navagraha Sthalam. Sevvai parihara pooja is carried out during the first and third tuesdays of every month.
Worship of lord shiva is explained well in the book from Divine life society